Let us pray

Let us pray

Let us pray
  • Prayer to Our Lady of the Rosary

    Our Lady of the Rosary, you care for each of us with tender motherly love.
    Please bring all of our needs before the throne of your Divine Son, and we particularly ask today that you pray that we and all people may grow in true devotion to you!
    Pray for us, that w...

  • Prayer for the Reverence of Life


    For life in the womb, coming from your creative power,
    For the life of children, making us glad
    with their freshness and promise,
    For the life of young people, hoping for a better world,
    For the life of people who are disabled,
    teaching us that every life has value,...

  • Our Lady of Seven Sorrows

    Devotion to Our Lady of Seven Sorrows
    Dear Mother Mary, your heart was pained so much on your earthly pilgrimage by the sufferings your family and your nation endured.  A sword of sorrow pierced your loving heart each time you experienced the pain of sin which wounded your innocent Son and all th...

  • The Most Holy Eucharist August 2024

    Heavenly Father, we thank you for the gift of your Son, our Lord Jesus Christ,
    who promised to stay with us always, until the end of the age.
    Reawaken our wonder at His presence in the Most Holy Eucharist.
    May our hearts burn within us as He opens the Scriptures and breaks the bread.
    Give us the ...

  • Prayer for God's Creation

    Prayer for God’s creation

    All-powerful God, you are present in the whole universe and in the smallest of your creatures.
    You embrace with your tenderness all that exists.
    Pour out upon us the power of your love,
    that we may protect life and beauty.
    Fill us with peace, that we may live
    as brother...

  • Prayer to the Sacred Heart of Jesus

    Heart of Jesus, burning with love for me,
    inflame my heart with burning love for thee.
    Jesus, meek and humble of heart, make my heart like your heart.
    Sacred Heart of Jesus, I place all my trust in you. Amen.

  • Let us pray together: The Sacred Heart of Jesus prayers

  • Let us pray together: Hail Holy Queen

    Let us pray to Mary throughout the month of May
    Hail, holy Queen, mother of mercy,
    our life, our sweetness, and our hope.
    To you we cry, poor banished children of Eve;
    to you we send up our sighs,
    mourning and weeping in this valley of tears.
    Turn, then, most gracious advocate,
    your eyes of mercy...

  • Let us pray together: The Memorare

    Pray the Memorare throughout this Month of Mary
    Remember, O most gracious Virgin Mary,
    that never was it known
    that anyone who fled to your protection,
    implored your help or sought your intercession,
    was left unaided.

    Inspired by this confidence,
    we fly unto you,
    O Virgin of virgins, our Mother!...

  • Prayer to Mary

    Mary, woman of listening, open our ears; grant us to know how to listen to the word of your Son Jesus among the thousands of words of this world; grant that we may listen to the reality in which we live, to every person we encounter, especially those who are poor, in nee...

  • Easter Prayer

    May the glory
    and the promise
    of this joyous time of year
    bring peace
    and happiness to you
    and those you hold most dear.

    And may Christ,
    Our Risen Saviour,
    always be there by your side
    to bless you
    most abundantly
    and be your loving guide.

  • Prayers for Reflection

  • Prayer for Lent

    Dear Lord,
    I pray for my prayer life to become vibrant and strong throughout this season of Lent.
    I pray that Your voice, even though a whisper, would ring loud and true in my life.
    I pray for the courage and boldness to follow wherever You lead me, to love and serve whomever and however You in...

  • Prayer to the Holy Family

    Holy Family, bless and protect all the families of the world;
    safeguard their unity, fidelity, integrity and dignity.

    Enable them to live according to God’s law that they may fulfill their vocation.
    May their lives be a reflection of yours and may they enjoy your p...

  • The Holy Name of Jesus

    JESUS, yours is the name above all names;
    We offer you our heartfelt praise and gratitude. Deepen in us an abiding reverence for your Holy Name.

    Jesus, Saviour, heal the wounds within
    that our sin and fear have inflicted.
    Set us free from all that hinders us from

  • Come Lord Jesus...Advent December 2023

    Advent Prayer by Henri Nouwen
    Lord Jesus,
    Master of both the light and the darkness, send your Holy Spirit upon our preparations for Christmas.
    We who have so much to do and seek quiet spaces to hear your voice each day,
    We who are anxious over many things look forward to your coming among us.


    Peace in the Middle East
    God of mercy and compassion, of grace and reconciliation,
    pour your power upon all your children in the Middle East:
    Jews, Muslims and Christians, Palestinians and Israelis.
    Let hatred be turned into love, fear to trust, despair to hope, oppression to freedom, that violen...

  • God's Promise...November 2023

    May you be held by the God of compassion
    as you remember your loved ones today.
    May God be with you in your sorrow,
    and comfort you in your loss.
    May your God, your family and your friends,
    give you strength and confidence.
    May your spirit be lifted,
    may your heart be filled with peace,
    and may ...

  • Thanksgiving Prayer 2023

    Thanksgiving is a time of gratitude to God, our Creator and Provider, whose guidance and care go before us...
    and whose love is with us forever.

    Thanksgiving is a time to reflect on the changes, to remember that we, too, grow and change from one season of life to another.

    Thanksgiving is a time...

  • Prayer for Peace

    Almighty and eternal God,
    may our grace enkindle in all of us a love
    for the many unfortunate people
    whom poverty and misery reduce to
    a condition of life unworthy of human beings.
    Arouse in the hearts of those
    who call you Father,
    a hunger and thirst for justice and peace

  • A Morning Offering

    O Jesus, I come before you at the beginning of this day.
    I gaze at your face,
    I look upon your side
    pierced by the lance.
    Your wounded heart speaks to me
    of God’s love poured out for us.
    Take, Lord, and receive my heart;
    the words of faith that I speak,
    the works of justice t...

  • God is the Friend of Silence

    We need to find God,
    and he cannot be found in noise and restlessness.
    God is the friend of silence.
    See how nature - trees, flowers, grass,
    grows in silence;
    see the stars, the moon and the sun,
    how they move in silence.
    We need silence to be able to touch soul...

  • Sacred Heart of Jesus

    O most holy Heart of Jesus, fountain of every blessing,
    I adore You, I love You, and with a lively sorrow for my sins,
    I offer You this poor heart of mine.
    Make me humble, patient, pure,
    and wholly obedient to Your will.
    Grant, good Jesus, that I may live in You and for You.
    Protect me in t...

  • Mary, Show Us the Way

    Lord you left your Mother in our midst that she might accompany us.
    May she take care of us and protect us on our journey, in our hearts, in our faith.
    May she make us disciples like herself, missionaries like herself.
    May she teach us to go out onto the streets.
    May she teach us to step outs...